The Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia allows all the citizens, residents, expats to register to the MOI website to get most of the benefits of the online service. The Ministry of Interior offers online services through Absher through their online portal. the aim of Absher services is to reduce the time and effort and can do the tasks on your own from your own place like home and workplace or offices.
So if you are expat and living in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it’s extremely remanded to induce yourself to registered with Absher to make your life easier in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and do most of the official procedures right from your desktop or perhaps mobile.
How to Register for Absher Account
Benefits of Absher MOI Account:
- Visit Visa for Family
- Check Public Query Available Funds
- Iqama Expiry Date
- Check Exit Re-entry Status Online
- Apply for Final Exit Visa
- Apply for Driving License
- Change Iqama Profession
- Iqama Profession Change Status
- Huroob Status
- Iqama Renewal
- Change Kafeel Name
- Check Penalties, Etc.
Online procedure to register for Absher e-Services
Step 1: Visit Ministry of Interior website
Step 2: The website will appear in Arabic language. You can change the language to English from upper left corner of the website.
Step 3: For registration click on the “New User” option. It will be available on right side of the website on top.
Step 4: Fill the online form. Provide all the information properlt. Once you will the information, make sure to check the option at the end of the form “I confirm that I have read..” and click OK.
Step 5: An activation code will be received through SMS. You need to enter this activation code and your Iqama number on next page.
Step 6: You will be redirected to a page where you can create your username and password to login to Absher services in future.
Step 7: Once done with the user registration, print the form in order to activate it.
Step 8: To active your Absher (MOI) account, chose one which is easy for you.
1. First option: Submit the form to the Jawazat office near to you. The account will be active within 24 hours.
2. Second option: Active your Absher account from Kiosks self-service machine.
3. Third option: Ask the bank located near you for the activation of your Absher (MOI) account.