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Documents Required To Buy A Used Car In Saudi Arabia

If you are buying a used vehicle or a second-hand vehicle, you will require some documents to get the ownership of the vehicle transferred. Documents will be verified and some documents are mandatory for a vehicle. Here are the documents required to buy a used car.

  • The Police Muroor form should be downloaded from the website or you can get the form from the traffic police department. Fill in the details in Arabic and if you don’t know Arabic ask an Arab friend to do it for you.
  • Valid Iqama with a copy for it is required and the validity must be longer or they might become an obstacle for you.
  • A valid Driving License and its copy are required.
  • Istimara also known as vehicle registration is required. It will be with the seller so cooperate among yourselves.
  • Ownership transfer fee can be paid online through internet banking if you are an ATM cardholder or you can ask a friend or relative to make the payment through the SADAD or you can manually pay the fee at the police station and confirm it at the police station.
  • Car insurance is mandatory and the agreement, policy, or package of the insurance should be presented.
  • Make sure the car you are buying has a valid Fahas (Motor Vehicle Periodic Inspection) certificate. Before the purchase go to a trustworthy mechanic to make sure that the car performs well.
  • A sponsor letter is also required. Ask your employer to give a letter stamped and signed by him or the company’s owner.

Note: Make sure that the owner of the vehicle has paid all the fines or penalties that he incurred with the car.

Written by affiliatesblogs

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