The Ministry of Human Resource and Social Development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has issued a procedure to issue work permits for issuing the exit visa online. The work permit will be issued if the employee’s visa has been expired and the employer wants to send him back to his home country. The work permit can also be issued to the expat employee who is being sent to his home country on a final exit and their work permit has never been issued.
Procedure To Issue Work Permit For Online Exit Visas
- Open the online service website. Then select the company and then the exit work permit.
- Click yes if you want to issue a work permit, then enter the desired worker’s name, then press enter.
- Select the employee. After selection, the amount to be paid will appear and also the payment number.
- The required payment must be done before going to the Jawazat office. After the payment go to the Jawazat for the issuance of the exit visa.
Procedure Through Labour Office
- Visit the labour office and at the labour office apply for a work permit for the final exit.
- The labour office will verify the documents and issue a payment number to pay the required fee and send the application to the ministry of home affairs.
- Before visiting the Jawazat make the required payment. Visit the Jawazat office after making the payment to get the exit visa issued.
Rules For Availing The Facility
- The expat employee should be on duty and his work permit or Iqama has expired.
- The expat employee should be a part of the nitaq system.
Conditions Set For Private Entity To Use This Facility
- Any private company can benefit from the facility without considering who the nitaq is.
- Organizations will not be permitted to issue a work permit to issue an exit visa for their employee until 30 days have passed from the expiry date of the expats stay or has not passed 120 days from the arrival of a new employee.